A year and a half in Ullanlinna

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We are moving on the last day of 2011. Yeap, it was good and solid one and a half year in Ullanlinna. We got an offer from a student housing company and therefore moving to Arabia where Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture is. As much as I am looking forward to my time in Arabia and Vanha Kaupunki I will miss Ullanlinna, Eira, and Punavuori where the most wonderful restaurants, cafés, and creative studios in Helsinki are today.

One of million
One of millionOne of million

This is the courtyard of the building I have lived in. I’ve loved it, thought I still do not know what the brick building is for. I am certain that no one lives in it.

A warm winter dayA warm winter evening

It was a warm winter day. Hyunsun and I used to walk this street to the shore. Very nice, calm street with a small park and a church on the side. An office of Genelec, the manufacturer of highly regarded active loudspeaker systems especially for professionals, is on the right hand side.

A cold winter dayA cold winter day … I think it was probably something like -20 Celsius.

Kaivopuisto in the winter

Kaivopuisto, one of the oldest and best known parks in central Helsinki, becomes a snowed desert in the winter.


Scaffolded. Hyunsun and I have lived through the long renovation of getting the outside walls re-plastered, cutting half the staircases out, and getting elevators into the building. It is only sensible that our landlady giggled when we told her that we will move out. Well, significantly cheaper rent is always a good motivation.

09680011Hyunsun’s waiting for me walking back from the garbage bins.

09680012Old buildings. This woud be what I would miss the most. You just walk around and what you see is these incredibly opaque architecture well-suited to the climate–cold, cold winter. Indigenous.

0968003110 mins walk brings you to Hernesaari. Thought I am not a big fan of the newly built apartment complex, but this I like. A well-suited empty space for everyone.

09680037Karaoke Bar Restroom right by the Church. Oddly well-suited.


Probably from somewhere around Laivurinkatu 35. You can barely see Viisikulma, the five corners which a really cool Finnish contemporary jazz band is named after.

All photographs here are made with Minolta CLE, Summicron-C 40mm f2, and mostly Kodak GC 400.

4 Responses

  1. Jongwon Chae
    | Reply

    it was looking great….and peaceful..

    • Seungho
      | Reply

      Yeah, it is a great area, and not to be missed if you’re visiting Helsinki!  

  2. 이종하
    | Reply

    눈 풍경, 집수리/건물수리 좋고 전의 집건물이구나. 현선이 예쁘게 서있네!!! 헤레네사아리가 좋네요!!!

  3. 이종하
    | Reply

    다시 새롭구나…..

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